The Place : Bishop Tony Samuels


When you were born again, something amazing happened in that moment; something supernatural, almost beyond comprehension, took place. Look at Colossians 1:13: For He has rescued us and has drawn us to Himself from the dominion of darkness, and has transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son. God showed me through this Scripture that my life, living in His Kingdom, would never be the same. It was important that God reveal this truth to me, because now I walk through life believing that I live in His Kingdom, and because of that, I expect that what He wants and desires will play out in my life. 

There is a daily place God wants us to walk in, and that’s in the reality of His Presence…the reality of His truth. It’s what He came to reestablish through Jesus. What Adam lost, we get back, and that’s a daily, intimate, one-on-one relationship with the Lord. Now, I am not saying that this makes us exempt from going through anything, but when you know Who is walking with you through life, it changes everything.  

Psalms 23:4 says, Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. David understood what it meant to have God with him in life. It eradicated fear…even through the valley, he found comfort in God. David found a place where he was able to react to God’s Presence, and not what He was going through.

Some people go through things, and they think God has left them because they don’t feel Him. God didn’t leave them; they left the place of truth, the place of the reality of His Presence. I say to people who are struggling like that, “Don’t believe the lie; that’s what your feelings are telling you. He said He will never leave you nor forsake you, and that’s the truth!” 

Ask yourself, am I currently living in truth? 2 Peter 1:12 says, I won’t hesitate to continually remind you of these truths, even though you are aware of them and are well established in the present measure of truth you have already embraced. Sometimes we have to be reminded of truth, and when I walk in His truth, I am walking with God in the cool of the day.  

It was the serpent who came to interrupt the relationship with a lie. He wanted them to think that there was something missing, that God was holding back on them. All the while, the very thing they thought they didn’t have, they actually possessed. So be encouraged. Live in the place of the reality of His Presence, and in the reality of His truth!

Be Blessed,

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