We are truly appreciative of all those who help support this ministry with their money, time and prayers; all for the purpose of bringing real, miraculous changes in people's lives. Over the years we have had many people donate, give and partner with our ministry. Today we have strong partners and new ones continuously being added! Please join others coming together with the Lighthouse believing in and wanting to be a part of the mission and vision to change lives forever as we produce disciples for Jesus Christ to take their place in the church and society as strong men and women of God! Partnership recognizes value, integrity and honor Partnership rejoices in the prosperity of God's work Partnership believes that God is a rewarder

  • Partnership believes together with God all things are possible

  • Partnership is lasting, continuous and always looking forward to new endeavors to reach and change lives

  • Partnership is love, love for the ministry of the Lighthouse

  • Partnership with the Lighthouse means that you have a responsibility to support the Lighthouse with your prayers, money and time if able. It also means you have a right to claim a reward for every life changed, every marriage restored, every son or daughter restored to parents, and every person given the hand up

  • Partnership never fails

Thank you for being our partners. We pray for you daily and know that God's blessings flow abundantly to you.

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