Living In The Dream : Bishop Tony Samuels


When hope’s dream seems to drag on and on, the delay can be depressing. But when at last your dream comes true, life’s sweetness will satisfy your soul. - Proverbs 13:12 

One of the things the enemy is good at is the ability to distract us. To distract means: to draw away or divert, as the mind or attention. He wants to lead us away from the dream that God has for our lives. Everything that you will ever need or desire is in God, and anything that tries to take you away from God is a dream robber.  

What happens is, we waste time on things that don’t feed the great hope that God has placed in us. The Bible says that hope deferred makes the heart sick. When God gives you a dream, that is His specific plan for your life. It was a plan that was already determined before you arrived. The plan does not change! Many have thought that, because of what is happening in our world, maybe God has changed His mind. Let me say this: when you know the end of the story, and everything in between, you don’t react to what’s happening. You have the answers to the test!  

God knew when you were going to be born; He knew when you were going to accept Him…so your dream is not out of place; it’s all a part of God’s plan for this time and season, and your dream is a part of His big plan for the World. 

The biggest part you need to do in seeing your dream come to pass is to starve your doubts and feed your faith. Hebrews 11:1 says, Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. So hope is the dream, but faith is God’s building material to create the dream that you are hoping for.

We know the Bible says faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. One of the ways to feed your dream is by listening to God’s Word concerning the area you are believing for. It’s not something you do sometimes; it’s something that you do day and night. You feed it like you would a baby, because one day you are going to give birth to that dream. One day, people are going to see you walking in the destiny that God has called you to walk in! 

Some people think that you are being selfish when you focus on your dream. Oh, so not true! God is going to use your dream coming to pass as a witness to the world around you. Look at Psalms 126:1-2: It was like a dream come true when you freed us from our bondage and brought us back to Zion!  We laughed and laughed and overflowed with gladness. We were left shouting for joy and singing your praise. All the nations saw it and joined in, saying, “The Lord has done great miracles for them!”  

Because of what God has done in my life, I have been able to minister to multitudes over the years, bringing the message of salvation and freedom. I have been able to lead family members to the Lord, including my father. Before Christ, they would have never listened to me; but because they see what God has done in my life, and that I am walking in His plan, it has been a witness and has given me influence to minister to them.  

I want to encourage and remind you that God has a dream for your life. You owe it to yourself, and to the world around you, to fight for it. Believe it and receive it! 

God Bless You,

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