Lighthouse Freedom Center

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Mother : Bishop Jeannette Samuels

Biological mothers, adoptive mothers, step-mothers, mother-in-loves…there are so many things someone could say about who we are, what we do, and how we do it.

 We are teachers, physicians, counselors, stylists, comforters, nurtures, taxis, locator of all things misplaced, walking day planners for appointments/playdates/games/practices/rehearsals, house keepers, laundry workers, chefs extraordinaire, human alarm clocks, suitcase packers, hygiene enforcers, book readers, bed tucker inners, human ATMs, accountants, referees, disputer of all sibling arguments, vocational advisors, relationship gurus, party planners, caterers, private investigators…and I am sure there are more. We are literally the human form of an octopus, grabbing car keys with one hand and throwing a sandwich in a lunchbox with the other.

 If you were to dissect our minds, they would look like spaghetti, because everything is related and intertwined with everything else; and even when we do get to sit down, we are still thinking about the next task, the next event, the next day, and those thoughts usually have nothing to do with ourselves, but rather our children, our husbands, even our pets etc.

 According to an article on, if a mom was to be compensated for everything we do it would equal $126,725.00/yearly. Wouldn’t that be great? I’ve always said that mothers should get monetarily compensated… However, God does pay us. He gives us our children as seed to sow into the Kingdom; He gives us our children so that we can learn and display His nature and character; He gives us our children so that He can display His nature and character through them to us.

Today let me encourage you with one verse, because even if your child/children are not yet walking with the Lord, or are not walking with Him fully; if you are a weary mother, a tired mother, God says this to you today:  I am not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward My name, in that you have ministered to the saints (your children) and do minister. – Hebrews 6:10 Personalized

 He hasn’t forgotten the seed that you have sown; He hasn’t forgotten the love you have given. He never forgets a seed sown, and His Word cannot return void. No matter what it may look like; even if your child/children has purposefully stopped all communication with you…they love you. Even if you weren’t the mother that you wanted to be or knew you should be; your child/children love you. And God says this to you today: I will restore to you the years the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm and the caterpillar and the palmerworm… - Joel 2:25

 For those in the house who struggle with your relationship with your mother, you would do well today to remember that God used her to bring you and your purpose (His purpose) into the earth. He chose her for you, and she did the best that she could with what she knew and with what she had. She was hurt before too. Motherhood doesn’t come with step-by-step directions and the Instruction Manual (The Bible) that it does come with, many didn’t have or didn’t know or didn’t have the opportunity to believe. For you God says this: Honor your mother; (which is the first commandment with a promise;) that it may be well with you and you will live long on the earth. – Ephesians 6:2

 Find a place of forgiveness and honor this morning. Cast that care to the Lord, for He cares for you. Do it this morning, and you will encounter a freedom that you have not yet known.

 Mothers, we honor you, we celebrate you; and from one human octopus to another, let’s keep sowing that seed and letting God produce the harvest that He wants in and through our children.


Happy Mother’s Day!!!