Maintaining Freedom : Bishop Tony Samuels

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As we see what is happening in our nation and in the world, we can see that there is a definite attack on Freedom. What is amazing is that some see it, and some are blinded, still believing that it’s business as usual. Some just trust and believe whatever they tell you…but the devil is a liar!  

Freedom is not a guarantee; freedom can be gained, and freedom can be lost. So when you are living in freedom, you must understand that freedom must be maintained. The word maintain is a verb, which means it’s an action word. It means: to keep in an appropriate condition, operation, or force; keep unimpaired. So we are going to have to do something to maintain our freedom.  

You see, I believe everyone wants freedom, but not everyone is not willing to do what it takes to maintain freedom. John 8:31-32 says: So Jesus said to those Jews who had believed in Him, If you abide in My word [hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples. And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. You see, they encountered Jesus; they encountered Freedom. But Jesus didn’t want freedom to just be an event; He wanted freedom to be a place where they lived, and He gave them the blue print. He told him to live their lives in accordance with His teachings, and this would help them to maintain true freedom. 

As Christians, we have to cross over from just being believers; we have to become disciples of Jesus Christ. It’s possible to believe in Jesus and do nothing that He says. John 14:15 says: “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” So love for God should be seen in your obedience to God.

I think sometimes we complicate our relationship with the Lord. We try to figure God out. Everyone is looking for a new thing, but God is simply looking for obedience. 1 Samuel 15:22 says: Samuel replied, “Has the Lord as much pleasure in your burnt offerings and sacrifices as in your obedience? Obedience is far better than sacrifice.” He is much more interested in your listening to Him than in your offering the fat of rams to Him.  

So what was God saying? He was saying, “Your obedience to Me is worth more than sacrificing 1,000 rams!” He is saying today, “My Son was the ultimate sacrifice; all I am asking for is obedience to what I say.”

In the many areas of our lives, we are either in the wilderness or in the Promised Land. If there is a wilderness area in your life, check your obedience to God in that area. Isaiah1:19 says: If you have a willing heart to let Me help you, and if you will obey Me, you will feast on the blessings of an abundant harvest

The question is not, do you want freedom? Everyone would say yes, but the bigger question is, are you willing to do what it takes to maintain freedom? Which is simply obeying the Lord. 

So, protect your freedom through radical obedience!

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