Lighthouse Freedom Center

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Living In The Win Zone Pt. 2, The Power of Knowledge : Pastor Tony Samuels

One of the ways we continue to abide in the win zone is by feeding on the right information. One of the biggest things I have learned this past year is that there is power in information. I have seen our society being controlled with information, whether true or false. Information is: knowledge communicated or received, knowledge gained through study, communication, research or instruction. If you are going to live in the win zone, you are going to have make sure that you are living by the right information. 

What gives information power is when it is believed. When it is believed, people will begin to act out what they believe to be true…sometimes even acting out on it without any verification. For example, you can be in a building, and they make an announcement that there is a fire…please evacuate the building! So you begin to leave the building. You do this without any verification. You didn’t see a fire; you didn’t even smell smoke, but because you believed the information, you act on it. So information has the power to control actions when believed.  

The Bible says in Hosea 4:6, My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. As you continue to read the verse, the Lord was upset because the Priest forgot the law of God, or the Word of God, so the people were not able to live in victory. Instead, they were destroyed. You see, right now more than ever the Word of God is the information we need to combat the information of the world. The Word of God has the solution for every single problem that this world presents.  

2 Corinthians 4-5 says, For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. What an amazing scripture! There has been a battle waging in our society, and it has intensified, but the objective of the enemy is to combat the knowledge of God in the earth. He has trying to eradicate the law of God out of society. 

If we are going to live in the Win Zone, it’s time to saturate our hearts and minds with what God says. The information you place yourself under is the information that will either lift your life or sink your life. It was wrong information that caused man to fall in the Garden. God’s information kept them in the blessing, and then the enemy came and twisted the information. They believed it, and acted out on it, and the result was the fall of the human race. Remember, the man or woman that lives by faith will never have to change the way they live based on changing circumstances or changing information. Because the man or woman that live by faith is living off of the information of the Word of God that never changes, so they never have to change the way they are living.  

This past year, people have had their lives completely turned upside down, from lockdowns to having to wear a mask, and it has been initiated by information. As you can see, the pattern continues because the flow of information continues. So believers, God has not called us to be controlled by the world’s information, but by His knowledge.  

Isaiah 53:1 says, Who hath believed our report? The word report means: news, announcement, tidings. He is talking about the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So let’s believe in, and walk in, the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! That’s how we will continue to live in the Win Zone, by living in the knowledge of God! 

Be Blessed,