Let God Move : Pastor Tony Samuels


But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint…   - Isaiah 40:31

People say they have faith, and that’s awesome, but true faith is displayed in many different ways. Sometimes faith is displayed in what we say; other times, it’s displayed in what we do. But there are times faith is displayed in what we don’t do or say.  See, everyone wants to see God move in their lives.  Look at the above Scripture of Isaiah 40:31. There will be times in your Christian walk where you will be required to act out your faith…but there will also be times when you will have to wait on the Lord. Wait means: to remain inactive or in a state of repose, as until something expected happens. In waiting, you are ceasing from your activity to trigger the activity of heaven, the move of God. By waiting with an expectation, we are demonstrating our faith; we are showing the Lord we really trust Him!

For instance, let’s say a friend calls you and tells you they’re on their way to pick you up…but while you’re waiting, you call an Uber.  Your actions would say to that friend that you don’t really trust them to follow through.  But if your friend shows up to find you waiting patiently, reading a book or enjoying a cup of coffee, you’re saying to that friend without a word that you trust them to do what they said they would do. Are you believing for the Lord to open doors for you? Don’t try to manipulate to get those doors to open. Just relax; enjoy that book or cup of coffee! It’s so much sweeter when the Lord does it. It’s so much sweeter to ride with a friend to that destination than to ride with an unknown Uber driver!

If you are moving in anxiety and fear that you’re being overlooked, you are not in faith. If you are trying to force your way into something, you are not in faith. If this is you, THUS SAITH THE LORD, STOP!!! Your movement is hindering the genuine move of God. I’ve found that when I’m willing to let something go and not strive, fight, and manipulate, it shows the Lord and myself that He is more than enough, and that I am secure in my relationship with Him and my identity in Christ.

Are you trusting God to fill the deficit places in your life, or are you trying to make it happen? Mathew 6:33 says, “But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.” God is telling you not to worry about the things are lacking in your life. Don’t try to add to yourself; let Him do that…the Kingdom way!

We trigger the move of God by what we are willing to give, not by what we take. Look at what Luke 6:38 says: “Give generously and generous gifts will be given back to you, shaken down to make room for more. Abundant gifts will pour out upon you with such an overflowing measure that it will run over the top! Your measurement of generosity becomes the measurement of your return.”

God qualifies you by seeing if you are willing to give the very thing you want. Sometimes He will give it to you, and then ask you to give it back. What you are not willing to walk away from or give back to God is an idol in your life. Sometimes an idol can be something we don’t even possess; it can be something we are trying to obtain because we feel incomplete without it. One of the biggest idols I see is people vying for position and titles; what they are looking for is validation through that position or title. This type of mindset will hinder the move of God in your life, and if not checked, will eventually move you out of the will of God. Matthew 23:12 says, “Remember this: If you have a lofty opinion of yourself and seek to be honored, you will be humbled. But if you have a modest opinion of yourself and choose to humble yourself, you will be honored.” 

Our spiritual position will determine our direction. In humility, you are going up; in pride, you are going down. Do you want to see the move of God in your life? Stop striving, stop looking for validation in people, titles and positions; stop worrying, stop being anxious, and enter His rest. Let God be God in your life, and I guarantee your life will not be void of His move. God bless you, and let’s keep growing. I love you Church…you are blessed of the Lord!

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March 1st, 2020

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