It's Time To Push : Bishop Jeannette Samuels


It’s Mother’s Day, and as women, we carry a baby as God intricately weaves together its tiny hands and feet, and its nose and ears, for nine months. Throughout the nine months, both mother and father get to know more about the precious cargo that she is carrying inside, like: is it a boy or a girl; are they active at night, in the morning or in the afternoon; how much do they weigh, and how long they are from month to month? During these nine months, the parents start making preparations by purchasing appropriate clothing, hygiene items, strollers, car seats, crib, bassinet etc… As the time gets closer, they pack a bag for the hospital and keep it at the ready. They pick a theme for the nursery and start preparing the room by stacking the diapers on the changing table, putting the pictures on the wall, etc… At this point, both parents have an expectancy that the baby will be born. 

Contractions start, labor pains begin, and they may even go to the hospital because the water broke. However, there is one key thing, one thing only the mom can do, to make sure that the precious cargo she has been carrying makes it into this world. She has to push. She has to push through the excruciating pain, the extreme fatigue, the hormones, the feelings and emotions. The body will only do so much naturally to get the baby through the birth canal, and then it is solely up to the mother to push. This is a push that does not and cannot focus on what it sees or feels; it is a push that cannot be described in words. This is a push that comes from the very depth of who she is, and she does it with literally every fiber of her being, because she believes that what she carries is worth it all. It may look and sound foolish to those around her because of the groaning, screaming, yelling and moaning, but it is all a part of the process because even her sound helps to birth.

“What does that have to do with me, Bishop Jeannette? I’m not a mom or a female.” God has still placed something on the inside of you, and although you might not be able to relate to the actual, physical birthing process, you can relate to having to push. Pushing through the situation that is lying to you, telling you that you aren’t good enough, or it’s not going to happen; pushing through the lying voices telling you that you didn’t hear from God, telling you that you aren’t chosen to do what He has called you to do; pushing through people not believing in you, mocking and degrading you. You know what it’s like to hear the voice of God encouraging you to let out a shout, to pray out loud, to declare a Scripture, to jump or dance or come to the front for worship, and not push through the thoughts of what people would think and feel a sinking in the pit of your stomach afterward. There’s a sound on the inside of you that He wants to release, to help you birth what He has given to you, what He has entrusted you with. 

Church, it is time to push. It is time to push for what God has for us in this season corporately; it’s time to push for what God has for us individually, and walk in it. It’s time to push for this city, this county, this state, and this nation. The push may take you out of your comfort zone; it may cause you to shout, to clap, to run, to jump, to scream, to moan or groan in ways you never have before…because it may not be easy, but it is God.  

The Church in America is on the verge of birthing something never seen before. In order for that to happen, in order for us to see the bound free, the blind see, the lame walk, and the younger generation lead the way… instead of being used as prey, we need to push. It’s time to push; to push against the resistance, against the lies we have believed for too long; to push with our voices, our lives, and our praise; push with our dedication to His Word and His way. It is time to push past the battle wounds, past the strife, gossip, worry and anxiety, anger, bitterness, and all selfish motives of the heart…and look to Him, what He wants, and what He is doing. LFC, It’s Time To Push!

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