His Story, My Story : Bishop Tony Samuels


You need the strength of endurance to reveal the poetry of God’s will and then you receive the promise in full. For soon and very soon, “The One who is appearing will come without delay!”

Hebrews 10:36-37

 The truth of the matter is that the Lord has an amazing plan for each one of His children. Our lives are like a book that has already been written. Even Jesus said of His life on earth, in Hebrews 10:7: “Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.” Jesus walked out a predetermined script for His life. But even though it was written, He still had to walk it out. The Lord has a plan for each one of our lives, but we have the responsibility of walking it out.  

The Bible says to let each person work out his own salvation with fear and trembling. We have a responsibility in this, but even so, God will give you the grace to walk out your part. Sometimes we get stuck in the introduction, or stuck in a chapter, and we don’t give the Lord the necessary time to turn the page and reveal His glorious outcome. A lot of times we are tempted to quit and throw in the towel, and that’s exactly when Lord is turning the page to bring us out, and then bring us into a manifestation of His goodness. As I am writing this, I feel like the Lord is saying, “Stick with me son and daughter! Don’t get stuck in a rough spot; don’t get stuck in your emotions. Take a deep breath, and look unto the hills where your help comes from.” We have to stick with the Lord through the ups and downs, and the twists and turns of life.

Hebrews 12:2 says, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…” I realize now there is nothing that happens in my life that the Lord is not aware of. Notice, it says He is the author and finisher of our faith. Author signifies it’s His story; it signifies He is in control of the storyline of our lives.  

When you begin to meditate, not so much on the story, but on the Author of the story, you begin to realize everything is going to be fine. Because this Author personally loves me, and wants my story to have a happy ending. His story is my story! When we focus on the Author, we begin to enter into the rest of God. As a matter of fact, even though it’s your story, you become a spectator to the revealing of the Author’s heart. You watch, as right before your eyes, ashes become beauty, and mourning becomes dancing. 

Suddenly, Scriptures that used to make no sense (such as Scriptures that deal with my reactions to life), now make perfect sense! Count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations; we glory in tribulations; and on and on. These situations are all setups for us to encounter the Glory of God!  

Again, ask yourself the question: will you stick with His story for your life? Will you continue to walk it out, even if you hit a rough spot…hard places…maybe even a hard season? If not, you are robbing yourself of an amazing storyline to add to your testimony. Hebrews 10:36-37 says, “You need the strength of endurance to reveal the poetry of God’s will and then you receive the promise in full. For soon and very soon, ‘The One who is appearing will come without delay!’” 

Stick With Him In 2021 & Receive His Glorious Outcome! 


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