Growing Through It : Pastor Michael Carter

Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble.

Job 14:1 (NKVJ)

 Although the thought is disconcerting, it is easy to appreciate these words when we think of the suffering endured by Job. We will ALL be forced to deal with different problems and afflictions in our lives. Often it may even feel as though individually, we suffer far more hardships than others. Our troubles concern us, not only because the hardships that we face are burdens, but the trouble can often force us to lose faith in (or to even blame) God, and begin to doubt His goodness and mercy.

Be comforted, because God not only gives us the strength to endure hardships and overcome them, but He is also using them to prepare us for His plan and purposes for our lives. God permits trials and tribulation in order to produce greater maturity and fruitfulness. We will never become Christlike without suffering. God’s priority is to make us fruitful, not comfortable, and He personalizes our troubles in order to help to move us forward into His design for our lives.

Believing God for who He is helps us to fight our natural instinct to doubt, worry, and despair during times of trial and suffering. Both Joseph and Job’s accounts are well-known examples of how to endure trials. Their suffering was unfair, intense, and long, yet they never lost faith in God. Both men modeled for us how to come to God with every emotion and depend on the Lord’s strength for survival.

Suffering grows our character and faith when we make the conscious decision to put our trust in Jesus and let Him take the reins on the outcome that our suffering will produce.

The Bible commands us to be steadfast in our faith, unmovable in the Lord, rejoicing always, knowing that all of our labor is not in vain in the Lord. If you are going through suffering now, take some time and ask God to help you endure in faith and love, and for His name and glory to be made known during this time. If you are not going through any suffering, trials or tribulations, brace yourself; it is coming…but in the words of Paul, “again, I say, rejoice,” for ALL of the suffering is working for you. You ARE being conformed to the image and likeness of Jesus, so take heart!

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