Good Shepherds : Nikki Santana

What a beautiful sight to behold – the precious feet of the messenger coming over the mountains to announce the good news! He comes to refresh us with wonderful news, announcing salvation to Zion and saying, “Your mighty God reigns!” - Isaiah 52:7 (TPT) 

Welp, LFC Family, I’m pretty sure we’re busted. Not only do our pastors hear from Holy Spirit, we now have Bishop Jeannette bouncing around the ministry full time, so keeping a secret is next to impossible. For those who weren’t aware, October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and the staff and leaders of Lighthouse Freedom Center hatched a top-secret plan to love on our pastors this fine Sunday morning…to no avail, of course. 

Nonetheless, the LOVE must go on! Because while Bishop Tony and Bishop Jeannette are extremely uncomfortable with this kind of attention, which we all appreciate, there is something to be said for carrying this mantle in the season our world is currently in. What a wild time to be alive…and what a wild time to be a Pastor! So, we take every opportunity to encourage, exhort, and remind our pastors that they are loved, appreciated, and supported! 

The Hebrew meaning of “Pastor” can also be translated as “Shepherd.” What’s interesting is that we can see all throughout the Bible that the Shepherd was God’s preferred style of leadership. This was not a calling of glamour, or high social status. Shepherds lived with their sheep, walked miles and miles with their sheep, laid their lives down for the sheep. The Shepherd got dirty, got down in the mud with the sheep; they pulled them out of dangerous situations and made sure the sheep were well nourished and fed. They protected and fought for the sheep. The life of a Shepherd was not an easy one.

There are so many great examples of Shepherds throughout the Bible. Joseph was shepherding with his brothers when they betrayed him, painfully and unknowingly setting him on the path of destiny and dreams realized. David was a lowly shepherd boy, worshipping God in the field with his flock when the prophet Samuel sought him out to anoint him king of Israel. Moses was a shepherd for his father-in-law, tending the sheep when he came upon the burning bush and received the call from God to lead His people from bondage into freedom. And of course, Jesus…the Good Shepherd, the Ultimate Shepherd, the Son of God Who laid down His life for the salvation of all. 

To be a Shepherd bears a great responsibility that many of the sheep are unaware of. We can take a look at the current state of the world and see what happens when the Shepherds are lacking. Just like God says in Jeremiah 50:6, My people have been like lost sheep. Their Shepherds have led them astray. They have caused them to wander in the mountains. They have wandered over mountains and hills. They have forgotten that I am their true resting place. 

Lighthouse family, we do not suffer from that fate. Our Shepherds have walked in the faithfulness of Joseph, never letting go of the dream God place on their hearts through trials, betrayal, and adversity. They have stood with the heart of David, facing Goliath in defiance, rising up in the power and authority of God to slay the giant. They have remained steadfast in the leadership of Moses, leading the children of God from bondage to the Promised Land. Most importantly, they point us directly to Jesus, the One Who is The Good Shepherd.  

Bishop Tony, Bishop Jeannette…we know you don’t require this. We know you don’t covet this kind of attention. But we want you to know we see you; we see your sacrifice; we see your obedience; we see your love for Jesus and the way you live for us all to experience His love, His freedom, His victory... Him! And we just want to say thank you…for honoring Jesus with your lives, for following Him, and for being…Good Shepherds.

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