Bible Christianity : Bishop Tony Samuels



 The Word of God is the will God revealed. As you read the Bible, whether its principles, or stories that display principles in action, you begin to realize that the Lord has a very high standard for His people. I have begun to wonder, where in the world did this thing called “casual Christianity” come from? When I say casual Christianity, I mean man’s attempt to lower the standard of God to accommodate the feelings of people and the approval of men. In doing this, we have created a Christianity that is shallow. Instead of standing out from the world, we blend in with it. Jesus said that we are in the world, but not of it. He didn’t want us to be affected by the world; He wants us affect the world. Even though we are all at different levels in our faith, we don’t lower the standard to keep people stuck in spiritual immaturity. We keep the standard high, so people can grow into who God has created them to be.

We have created two sets of rules, one for a Christian and one for a disciple.  A Christian is supposed to be a disciple. There should be no difference, from young to old. Let’s see what Jesus’s requirement was to be a disciple, which is a Christian. Luke 9:23 says, And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to follow Me [as My disciple], he must deny himself [set aside selfish interests], and take up his cross daily [expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come] and follow Me [believing in Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me]. As you read this Scripture, you can see very quickly that the Church has not been walking in this standard. This is not a Scripture for casual Christianity at all; this is the real deal, straight from the mouth of Jesus…not a YouTube preacher. You see, a true disciple of Jesus has no option. Jesus is not just an option; He is the only option.

Our Christian life should have moments that bring us to a place of confrontation…confrontation with ourselves, confrontation with God, and confrontation with the world, whether that means ministering the love of God or standing against evil.  

As you read the Bible, it is full of accounts of confrontations on all of the above levels. So why would the Lord require a lower commitment for us, that have been given a better covenant? To whom much is given, much is required. 1 Thessalonians 1:3-5 says, We point to you as an example of unwavering faith for all the churches of God. We boast about how you continue to demonstrate unflinching endurance through all the persecutions and painful trials you are experiencing. All of this proves that God’s judgment is always perfect and is intended to make you worthy of inheriting the kingdom of God, which is why you are going through these troubles.  

I truly desire that we as a church be an example, by having a walk with the Lord that is according to the Word of God. That we will be ready to maintain our witness for Christ; that we would never deny Him in word or deed.  

2021 Is the year to STAND!!!!

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