Becoming : Apostle Louis Capdevila


But as God hath distributed to every man, as the Lord hath called every one, so let him walk. And so ordain I in all churches. - 1 Corinthians 7:17 

The reality of Life in Christ is lived out when we as believers fulfill His purposes; when we walk in the fullness, not only of what we were created to be, but what we were created to become. Today, as we witness the ordination of Pastor Tony Samuels to Bishop Tony Samuels, we are witnessing this reality of Life lived in Christ. Once a man who cried out to God from a jail cell, Bishop Tony is a testimony that what you are today, is not necessarily what you are to become. 

Becoming is something we experience every day of life. What we become is determined by the conscious decisions we make on a day-to-day basis. Are we making choices based on what is convenient to us, or what is important to the Lord? When we make the right decisions that are based on Him, we are in the process of becoming everything He created us to be! In this process, we experience the Glory of God. As we are taken from faith to faith and glory to glory by the Spirit of God, we ourselves experience transformation in our lives. As a result, we begin to see transformation in the lives of those around us! 

So what began as a seed, now becomes an actual creation, seen and enjoyed by those around us. No matter where you find yourself today, what you see is not necessarily what you are. What you are going through is only God at work in you, so that you may become everything He called you to be. So enjoy the process, knowing that if you fall, God is expecting you to get back up so He can finish what He started!

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