Be His Story : Pastor Jeannette Samuels


What is your story? What is our story? Living in Heaven's reality is not just for us, to keep and hold onto. God's story is that He loved so much that He gave. His story is that He loved; He shared; He cared. His story is that He knew right where you were going to be, and what you needed to surrender your life to Him. He used a person just like you and me to be His mouthpiece…or His hands and feet…or both, so that you could encounter His presence. Someone had to tell you. There was a person involved somehow, in some way, to convey His story, His love for you. So that you could go from darkness to light, so that you could go from warring within yourself to experiencing His peace and everything else He had for you... 

We do it with cars, with food, with clothing experiences. When we get something that we really like, we talk about it; where we got it, how much it was, what the experience was like. We want to share it. We post about it, get other people excited about whatever that thing is. Why do we stop when it comes to Jesus? Why do we stop talking about it, sharing it, posting about it, and getting other people excited?  

Maybe everyone won’t like it; maybe it won't get reposted, retweeted or shared. But what if...what if one person…just one person…read it and realized that they needed what you said? What if one person saw the kindness that you showed to someone; what if one person saw you react in love toward someone that did you wrong? What if one person saw you give of what you had, even if it was all you had, and it made them curious? What if the world saw you living what you had been trying to tell them? What if, instead of just hearing empty words and watching us live the hypocritical way of saying one thing but living another…they saw His story through you?

The disciples were the ones to turn the world upside down. If we are to do greater works, then it's time to get bold, get brave, and allow Him to use us to turn the world around, right side up! We are not limp-wristed or weak Christians. We are not silent or compromising Christians. We are strong, overcoming, conquering, blood-bought children of the Most High God, and our time is now! It is time to stop just taking and having the “gimmie, gimmie, gimmie” mentality, and start saying “Here I am Lord, use me!” Allow Him to write His story for others through you. You are Heaven’s reality for them. So... Go, Do, Be! 

You yourselves are all the endorsement we need. Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you. Christ himself wrote it – not with ink, but with God’s living Spirit; not chiseled into stone, but carved into human live – and we publish it.

2 Corinthians 3:1b (MSG)

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September 13, 2020 



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