2021 - The Year To STAND : Pastor Tony Samuels


As we look back over the history of mankind, there have always been significant moments in history where people have taken a stand against the forces of evil. These stands have provided major intersections in history, keeping our society on the right track. I believe we are at one of those significant times, like none before it. The question is, who will take a stand to keep our society on the right course? Just like in previous times, this moment and how we handle it will define our culture, affecting not only this generation, but future generations. This past year has been a year like no other. It started with an unprecedented global pandemic. Initially, everyone was operating with extreme caution, trying to navigate through something we had limited information about…but as time moved on, we began to realize that evil men took advantage of a bad situation, and weaponized it to attack our freedoms. That is what is happening in our world right now…an attack on our freedom. 

The Church of Jesus Christ is also at an intersection. We must decide if we are going to obey the Truth of the Word of God, or bow down to the spirit of antichrist. I’ve been observing a common pattern in our society: no one is willing to stand for the truth. We have created a generation of cowards when it comes to standing for the truth, from judges, to politicians, even Christian leaders are unwilling to take a stand. It’s amazing that those standing for evil seem bolder than the possessors of Truth. What if the Allied Forces of the world never stood against Nazi Germany? What would our society look like if great men like Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr. never stood up for the truth? How would the Church of Jesus Christ look in the earth if men were not willing to stand for the truth; people like the early Apostles, or Martin Luther, who stood against the organized church of his time to bring the true message of the Gospel back? What if our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ never took the ultimate stand, laying His life down for humanity? What hope would we have? 

They were willing to face evil, stand for the truth, and change the course of history. You might be saying, “I am not willing to pay that price.” Well, you may be saying that because it has not affected your life yet…but people of God, we are called to this, make no mistake. In Acts 1:8, Jesus said, “But you shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me.” The word witness is a very interesting word, one that I think we have watered down. It means to be a martyr; that is someone that willing to die for what they believe. Jesus said He has given us power to stand for the truth, even if it means losing our life here on earth.

STAND. This is the word that I have been hearing for our Church, and I believe for the Body of Christ globally. STAND. This word means: to make firm; to fix; establish; immovable; to continue. This is not a stand of no movement; it is a stand with movement in the plan and purposes of God. God wants us to stand out like a light, to be operating in the work of the Kingdom of God. 

1 Corinthians 15:58 explains it best: “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” So as we are standing, we are laboring in the work of the Lord. But this is not work just to be working; it is work to manifest the Glory of the Lord to this world. Romans 5:2 says, “…through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” If the Church does not stand, the Lord cannot manifest His Glory to this world. It’s not about us; it’s about Him. 

Truth is the foundation of our stand. If the Church hides, and bows down to the spirit of antichrist, what hope does the world have? Isaiah 60:1-3 says, “Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising.” That word arise means: to stand up; to persist; to be fixed. Although this Scripture was written thousands of years ago, it is relevant for this time. Our stand provides light for the unsaved people of this world. As the world gets darker, they will begin to be drawn into the Body of Christ. The Church has risen up in its history, but this is not just about rising up; it’s about rising and standing. This could very possibly be the final stand before our Lord and Savior cracks the eastern skies. 2021 is the year to stand, to see the Glory of God like never before. Our goal this year is to manifest His Glory to this generation in the midst of the darkness, so Church…let’s stand for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in 2021! He is depending on us, and He believes in us as we believe in Him!  

I will leave you with this. Ephesians 6:10, “Now, my beloved ones, I have saved these most important truths for last: Be supernaturally infused with strength through your life-union with the Lord Jesus. STAND victorious with the force of his explosive power flowing in and through you. 

We love you!!! Have A Blessed 2021 as you STAND for HIM!

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