Lighthouse Freedom Center

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The Price of Freedom : Pastor Tony Samuels

As we celebrate this Memorial Day, we must remember the men and women who laid their lives down so we can enjoy the freedom we have today. We must remember that there is a price for freedom. As we look at what has been going on in our society, we are seeing freedoms that people died for being stripped away. Remember, giving up freedom for safety is a bad transaction; there is always a way to obtain safety without losing freedom in the process.

We must remember that men and women left the safety of their homes, families, and nation to fight for the freedoms of this nation. Under no circumstances should we give up our freedom. In the CIA, they have a principle: they do not negotiate with terrorists. The definition of terrorist is this: people using unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. This is what is happening right now.

Anything that comes to attack or take away our freedom, that people died for, is a terrorist. We the people have to hold the position that our freedoms are non-negotiable, and be willing to stand against it. Jesus Christ left the safety of Heaven to come to a world infested with sin and death. He was willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice by laying His life down to give us true freedom.

So on this day, remember the price that was paid for us to have freedom, and let us honor our heroes, and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, by protecting the freedoms they died for.

May 24th, 2020