Lighthouse Freedom Center

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Responding To God : Pastor Calvin Williams

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Romans 10:17 (KJV) 

The Bible says that faith comes by hearing, but notice it also says faith comes by hearing the Word of God only. The Word of God is alive, but we have a part to play by making sure that’s what we’re hearing, and then responding to what we hear. 

To respond means to take action; reply; to say or do something. When we hear what God has to say, we are then called to take action; to do something with it. James 1:22 tells us to be doers of the Word, and not hearers only. Our lives, our actions, our words should be a reflection of what the Word says. God has also given us His Word so that we can boldly say what He says! The world we’re living in today needs to know what the God of the universe is saying! 

Many times, our prayer life consists of us talking to God. But I wonder, do we hear when He speaks? Always remember, God hears you the first time. Sometimes it’s our turn to be still, be silent, and listen to what it is He’s saying to us. There are times we think that He’s not speaking or doesn’t hear us because He doesn’t answer us fast enough. But time is not an indication of God’s power. Never give up on His promises because it doesn’t look good, or doesn’t happen in our timing. 

Jesus said in John 10:27, “My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me.” He is speaking, but we must choose to hear Him. To hear means to listen with attention. Attention then births interest. We have to be interested in the things of God! We have to be tuned in, hearing and responding to the Word of God and the voice of our Father!

September 27, 2020