Lighthouse Freedom Center

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Growing Up In Our Words : Pastor Tony Samuels

When I became a Christian, one of the first revelations I received was how to line my words up with Heaven. The Bible says in Amos 3:3, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” The Lord was letting me know that to walk with Him, I was going to have to line my speech up with His. What is the language of Heaven? It’s the Word of God! The Bible says to pray that the will of God be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  We can’t pray that and then contradict His will with our words. One of the ways we show we are in agreement is with our words. If we confess that we have faith, it’s important that our speech lines up.  Our faith should be based on the Word of God, and our speech should always line up with what God says; it should never line up with negative circumstances, feelings, or emotions. We have been declaring that it’s time to grow up so we can go up, but if we don’t get this area right, we can actually put a cap on what God wants to do in our lives. Your faith-filled words will dominate the laws of sin and death. It’s time to dominate instead of being dominated.

Be mindful with your words.  Don’t just let anything come out of your mouth. Some may say, “What’s the big deal?” The enemy of our soul is a legalist in this area. He will try to use your own words against you. Job said, “The thing I feared has come upon me.” The enemy was able to access Job’s life through fear. If you are operating in fear, you will vocalize it. The enemy has no legal right to do anything in your life, except through your words. Proverbs 6:3 says, “You have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth.” Sometimes we are not seeing progress, but the enemy will use our words to trap us. An animal caught in a trap is immobilized; he can’t move or go forward.  Change your words and get free from that trap! God is a good God, period! Your speech should always line up with that truth.

When pressure comes into your life, it is trying to get you to say something contrary to get us out of agreement with the Word of God. God is good all the time; we hold fast to that. Don’t change, and eventually Heaven will begin to invade your life and drive out those things that are not representing the goodness of God. Stop saying, “I am sick.” No, God said you are healed! Stop saying, “I am broke.” No, God says you are rich! Stop saying, “I am depressed.” No, God said the Joy of the Lord is our strength! Any area that is negative in your life, do not set yourself in agreement with it; stay in agreement with God. This is the area of growing up we are focusing on. Husbands and wives, speak blessings over each other; speak blessings over your children; speak blessings over this church. Remember, what you speak is what you are releasing. Let’s release Heaven in every area of our lives. Lighthouse Freedom Center, we are going up!!!!

February 16th, 2020