Lighthouse Freedom Center

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Are You Hungry : Pastor Jeannette Samuels

It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God’s mouth.  

– Matthew 4:4 MSG

We have spent the last 21 days fasting, abstaining from food; whether it was a meal, a type of food, or whatever the Lord placed in your spirit to do. We have been abstaining and emptying ourselves of earthly sustenance, and by this point, if you are like me, you are ready to get back to those tastes and flavors that we have been missing.

However, I want to challenge you today not to look at the beginning of the fast as the beginning of being hungry, but rather look at the end of the fast for that. Fasting causes our flesh to become the minority and allows our spirit man to become the majority. Now…Now, LFC family…Now is the time to continue that hunger; to continue to feed on the true Supply of life: the Word.

The Bible says that we don’t live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from our Father (Matthew 4:4). By denying ourselves from being driven by the flesh and what it desires, we have awakened the spirit on the inside of us and have become driven by what He desires in and through us. Let the end of this day and the end of this corporate fast represent the beginning of a hungering, a desiring, a thirsting for everything that our Father is and everything that He has for us, individually and corporately as the Lighthouse Freedom Center. Let the end of this fast represent a never-returning to the wilderness of selfishness and a journey to maturity; a maturity that says, “Because I hunger and thirst for everything He is, that in turn causes me to shy away from being offended; to shy away from gossiping and backbiting; to shy away from lust and pornography; to shy away from drugs and alcohol; to shy away from our hidden sins; to shy away from judging and having preconceived notions about people or church.”

We cannot empty ourselves, fill up to overflow with Him…then talk about each other, judge each other, live a secret or double life, and cry out for miracles, signs and wonders to happen in our midst. Let the end of this fast be a sign that we refuse to grieve Him any longer with our words, thoughts and actions. Let it be that the end of this fast represents the awakening of the sleeping giant known as the church, the Body of Christ. Let it be that we no longer stay satisfied with the day-to-day routine of church, but truly desire to know Him and make Him known! 

Revival comes not from a cheeseburger but from desperation for Him, His Word, His presence, His glory, and His will to be done.

February 2nd, 2020