Lighthouse Freedom Center

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Peace : Nikki Santana

“I leave the gift of peace with you – My peace. Not the fragile kind of peace given by the world, but My perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be  troubled in your hearts – instead, be courageous!  -John  14:27 TPT

I don’t have to remind you of the crazy situation we’re in. By now, we’re all well acquainted with the words fear, virus, pandemic, quarantine, etc. All we have to do is turn on literally any source of media, and we’re instantly reminded of the tumultuous season our world is facing. What I do want to remind you of, and what we should be focusing on more than anything, is PEACE.

As Christians, we have access to a peace that is beyond this world. It is a peace that surpasses all human understanding; a peace that has nothing to do with outside circumstances, and everything to do with a Sovereign, eternal, unchanging, limitless and loving Father. He is a Father who has made Himself available to hear every tiny detail of our lives, and who offers supernatural rest in return. He is a Father who is not fazed by what our world is going through, who is always at work on our behalf, and who has already won the victory over every battle we will ever face. Our peace, and our victory, has a Name, and His Name is Jesus.

Jesus Himself has already told us that He has given us His peace. But in order for us to access what He’s given us, we have to be vigilant on what we’re filling our minds and hearts with. Turn off the news, people of God. Get off social media; stop watching movies like Outbreak and Pandemic! Fill yourself with the Word of God, for as His Word penetrates our spirit, it imparts life and health into our very being (Prov 4:21-22)! Spend time in His Presence, for in His Presence is the fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11)!

The greatest danger we face, physically, mentally, and spiritually, is allowing fear and hopelessness to fill us. Remember, we fight from victory, not for it. This battle is won, and we can rest right now. His peace is available right now, in every situation. I leave you with 2 Thessalonians 3:16, “Now, may the Lord Himself, the Lord of peace, pour into you His peace in every circumstance and in every possible way. The Lord’s tangible Presence be with you all.”

April 5th, 2020