Lighthouse Freedom Center

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Mother : Pastor Jeannette Samuels

Sometimes being a mother can feel like the most thankless job on the planet. The countless diapers changed, the multitude of sleepless nights (and not just when they are little), the innumerable lunches packed, projects and homework worked on, teacher’s meetings, sporting practices and events, doctors’ appointments and not to mention the accumulation of miles on the car and the hours spent in said car running children to and from all activities. The pressure of always having to have the answer to the infamous question, “Mom, do you know where my (insert any random missing object here) is?” The pressure of having to know the answer to all questions asked…. EVER… Not to mention the laundry… All. The. Laundry. Managing school calendars, sports calendars, friend’s calendars, picking up toys, potty training, managing hormones, attitudes and emotions. Being the good guy, the bad guy and everything in between in a matter of minutes.

But do you know Who sees those sleepless nights calming a colicky baby or holding a sick teenager? Do you know Who sees you picking up that toy for the 10 th time that day? Do you know Who sees the isolation you might feel and the longing for adult conversations? Do you know Who sees you up in the middle of the night grabbing the horns of the altar on behalf of your children (natural or spiritual), watching you refuse to let the enemy take them out?

Our Heavenly Father… God… He sees you… Not only does He see you, but He hasn’t forgotten you.

For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do. –Hebrews 6:10 (NLT)

He has been there through every bit of exhaustion, frustration and every heart break. I’m convinced that even God Himself doesn’t know where that other sock is that went into the dryer but never came out.

Not only does He see you, He created and equipped you with just the right hug, just the right ear to listen, just the right heart to love and gave you His Word and Holy Spirit to give you the wisdom and supernatural strength to be the mother to the children He has entrusted you with.

Let me encourage you that no matter what it looks like today in the life of your child or children, if you have planted His Word in their lives, He says that it won’t return void; it WILL produce. There is no waste in the Kingdom. He is using it all from the womb until now and moving forward.

He sees you, mama! Your harvest is coming! So find your rest in Him, your peace and refreshing in Him, because today and every day as a mama, is a Zephaniah 3:17 moment:

“For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”


Happy Mother’s Day, Ladies!!!